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AGILENT supplies diluted ready-to-use antibody systems, primary monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Reagents AGILENT for immunohistochemical studies are suitable for working with tissue sections and smears.

List: reagents and kits for immunohistochemistry, Dako Omnis for IHC and hematoxylin and eosin, Autostainer Link for IHC, Autostainer Plus for IHC, PT Link for sample preparation, labeling systems.

Related diagnostics

The pharmDx solution from AGILENT is a portfolio of universal pharmDx kits that provide optimal diagnostic results within the framework of accompanying diagnostics. The right results from the first time help to choose the right therapy for each patient - every time. pharmDx kits are of great importance for evaluating the treatment of patients. The tested kits have the necessary specificity and sensitivity.

Models: EGFR pharmDx Kits, ER/PR pharmDx Kits, HER2 IQFISH pharmDx, HercepTest Kits, TOP2A IQFISH pharmDx Kit.

Hematoxylin and eosin

The modern H&E AGILENT solution fully automates each stage of the hematoxylin and eosin staining process. By providing operational flexibility to meet the special needs of laboratories, it provides stable, high-quality results with maximum productivity and resource optimization. It is an effective, safe and accurate choice for H&E.

List: H&E automatic staining, H&E reagents, H&E auxiliary equipment.

Special colorings

The staining procedure is usually the first step in the diagnosis of bacteriological samples. AGILENT offers a good range of products for manual and automatic coloring using ready-made solutions or reagents for self-preparation based on classical or modified methods.

List: solutions for automatic special coloring, special accessories for coloring, kits for special dyes.

In situ hybridization

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a method that allows you to determine the location of genetic material in a cell down to individual genes and chromosomes and identify genetic abnormalities that can cause cancer. AGILENT offers reagents and kits for in situ hybridization, hybridizers for molecular pathology.

List: CISH probes, IQFISH panels, ISH accessories and accessories, Telomere PNA FISH kits, hybridizer humidity control strips.

Clinical flow cytometry

Clinical flow cytometry is usually commonly used to classify cancer diagnosis by blood samples and other clinical applications. Clinical flow cytometers AGILENT allow clinics to generate high-quality data and process samples faster and more efficiently, saving time and money.

List: consumables and accessories for clinical systems, solutions for automation of clinical flow cytometry, updates of systems for clinical flow cytometry, reagents for clinical flow cytometry, clinical single-color antibodies, clinical two-color antibodies, clinical tricolor antibodies, clinical secondary antibodies, clinical isotype controls, clinical buffers and reagents.

Specific proteins

The range of AGILENT products for specific proteins includes a wide range of polyclonal primary antibodies for various purposes, in particular for turbidimetry, nephelometry and ELISA. These methods use a rapid specific reaction between an antibody and an antigen. For turbidimetry and nephelometry AGILENT we offer a wide range of conventional products, as well as products designed for particle analysis. The products can be used on a variety of different, fully automated devices.

List: ELISA kits and accessories, multipurpose antibodies for clinical chemistry, normal animal sera and immunoglobulins, antibodies for turbidimetry and nephelometry, calibrators and controls for turbidimetry and nephelometry, Dako buffers for turbidimetry and nephelometry, particle enfelometry/enfelometry, turbidimetry.

Clinical equipment for microplates

Clinical microplate equipment AGILENT provides high efficiency and productivity for your clinical diagnostic workflows. From ELISA microplate readers and sinks to multifunctional liquid processing, multimode detection and automated microscopy, BioTek microplate devices and software are designed for ease of use during setup and operation, while providing powerful analysis for fast and high-quality results. To further automate and increase productivity, microplate stackers, handlers and automated incubators turn a desktop tool into an automated system operating in real time.

List: peripherals for clinical image scanners and readers, peripherals and consumables for clinical washing machines, dispensers, consumables for clinical visualizers, readers, microplates and laboratory equipment for clinical microplates, reagents for quality control and test plates for clinical microplates.


All AGILENT products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant AGILENT: general-purpose devices (multimeters, oscilloscopes, frequency meters, signal synthesizers, functional generators, power supplies, etc.); devices for chemical analysis; measuring stands; equipment for testing electronic components, wireless communication; devices for the development and debugging of digital devices; control and measuring equipment for telecommunications; radio measuring devices and ultra-high frequency equipment; devices for fiber-optic communication systems
  • Gas chromatography AGILENT
    Gas chromatography
    6850, 7820, 7890B, A490 Micro GC, etc.
  • Liquid chromatography AGILENT
    Liquid chromatography
    1220 Infinity LC, 1260 Infinity LC, etc.
  • Software and information complexes AGILENT
    Software and information complexes
    OpenLab, eMethod, ICP-MS, RTCA, etc.
  • Mass spectrometry AGILENT
    Mass spectrometry
    5977, 7010 QQQ, 6500 Q-TOF, etc.
  • Atomic spectroscopy AGILENT
    Atomic spectroscopy
    55B, 240/280 FS, 240Z/280Z, DUO, etc.
  • Molecular spectroscopy AGILENT
    Molecular spectroscopy
    Cary 660/670, Cary 610/620 FTIR, etc.
  • Capillary electrophoresis AGILENT
    Capillary electrophoresis
    7100 CE, CE/MS System, etc.
  • Speakers, spare parts and consumables AGILENT
    Speakers, spare parts and consumables
    240FS AA, DB-1ms, UV-Vis-NIR, etc.
  • Sample preparation AGILENT
    Sample preparation
    Captiva, VacElut, WellPlate, Elut, etc.
  • Research in biomedical sciences AGILENT
    Research in biomedical sciences
    XF, RTCA, miRNA, NGS, FISH, etc.
  • Clinical observation and diagnosis AGILENT
    Clinical observation and diagnosis
    Dako Omnis, pharmDx, H&E, CISH, etc.
  • Data processing systems, analysis and management AGILENT
    Data processing systems, analysis and management
    SLIMS, iLab, AGENT, eArray, etc.
  • Laboratory supplies AGILENT
    Laboratory supplies
    microplates, speakers, etc.
  • Solubility tests AGILENT
    Solubility tests
    vessels, blades, sinkers, software, etc.
  • Automation of laboratory research AGILENT
    Automation of laboratory research
    Bravo, BenchCel, PlateLoc, PO, etc.
  • Detection of vacuum and liquid leaks AGILENT
    Detection of vacuum and liquid leaks
    ion pumps, HLD, PHD, C15, etc.


AGILENT Technologies (USA) began its existence in 1999, when, during the reorganization, Hewlett-Packard Corporation was divided into two completely independent companies: HP and Agilent Technologies. Agilent Technologies was delegated the most technologically advanced and knowledge-intensive divisions of Hewlett-Packard. The field of activity of Agilent Technologies has become the development and production of control and measuring devices, equipment for chemical analysis, medical equipment, as well as electronic components. Agilent Technologies has preserved all the best traditions of Hewlett-Packard and brought advanced technologies to them, developing the directions from which the parent company began its activities.

    AGILENT is a leader in the biological sciences, diagnostics and applied chemistry markets. AGILENT Technologies provides laboratories worldwide with tools, services, supplies, applications and expertise.

    AGILENT devices are used in the chemical industry and energy, in environmental control and pharmaceutical analysis, in the food industry and agriculture, for the study of raw materials and materials, as well as in forensic medical examination.

    AGILENT technology not only meets the standards of the chemical, biomedical, pharmaceutical industry, but also creates them. For example, the 1290 Infinity chromatograph provides high performance and is the most sensitive in the industry.

Information Board AGILENT

Learn more about our products AGILENT.
  • Product catalog manufacturer AGILENT (eng)
    Product catalog AGILENT (eng)
  • Product questionnaire in the store AGILENT
    Product questionnaire AGILENT


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