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Cell analysis

Get a deeper and more up-to-date understanding of the most intractable diseases and their potential treatment methods using real-time measurements on living cells. Discover unique cell biology, discover new drug targets, improve preclinical toxicology and become a pioneer of the next generation of immunotherapy. What started as a unique offering of solutions focused on understanding cellular functionality based on basic metabolic programming has turned into a market-leading set of innovative AGILENT tools, combining with ACEA Biosciences and BioTek tools.

List: automatic cell scanners, multimode cell readers, cell imaging and microscopy software, peripheral imaging devices and multimode readers, consumables for thermal imagers and multimode readers, microplates, calibration reagents and test plates, XF analyzers, XF sensor cartridges and microplates for cell cultures, XF analysis kits, reagents and cell analysis media, XF software, tablet reader for metabolic analyses, automatic tablet readers, flushers and dispensers for microplates, stackers and incubators for microplates, microplate automation software, readers and peripherals for liquid processing, readers and consumables for liquid processing, microplates and consumables, reagents and test Reader QC tablets, real-time cell analysis, RTCA analyzers, RTCA microplates, RTCA reagents, kits and accessories, RTCA software, flow cytometry for research.

Automated electrophoresis

Exceed your expectations with the automated electrophoresis system from AGILENT. With throughput capabilities ranging from ultra-low to ultra-high, and a variety of kits and reagents to choose from, it's impossible to say where your research might take you.

List: Bioanalyzer Device, DNA kits and Reagents for Bioanalyzer, Bioanalyzer RNA Kits and Reagents, Bioanalyzer Protein Kits and Reagents, Bioanalyzer Software, Parts and Accessories for Bioanalysts, Fragment Analyzer Systems, Fragment Analyzer Systems DNA Analysis Kits, Fragment Analyzer Systems RNA Kits, Capillary Fragment Analyzer Systems Arrays, Fragment Analyzer Software, TapeStation Tools, TapeStation DNA Screen Tape and Reagents, TapeStation RNA Screen Tape and Reagents, TapeStation Software, TapeStation Parts and Accessories, Femto-Pulse Systems, DNA Analysis Kits, RNA Analysis Kits, Femto-Pulse Capillary Array, Femto-Pulse System Software, ZAG DNA analysis systems, Oligo Pro II systems, software for automated electrophoresis.

Solutions for biological microchips

The biochip is a tiny plate - a platform on which up to several thousand microtests can be applied. More often, glass or plastic platforms are used, on which biological macromolecules (DNA, proteins, enzymes) are applied, capable of selectively binding substances contained in the analyzed solution. AGILENT offers biochips of SGG, SGG + ONP, biological microchips of gene expression, miRNA (biological microchips), platforms for methylation and ChIP-on-Chip.

List: biochips of SGG, biochips of SGG + ONP, biological microchips of gene expression, miRNA (biological microchips).

Mutagenesis and cloning

The AGILENT portfolio on mutagenesis and cloning includes the fastest and latest generation kits, competent cells, vectors and enzymes that will help advance your research for any future applications. The AGILENT kits accelerate the protocol to perform site-directed or random mutagenesis with high efficiency and 100% accuracy and reliability. Our extensive cloning vectors incorporate the latest next-generation cloning technologies and are designed to simplify commonly used or complex cloning and sequencing procedures with high speed, reliability and accuracy. The wide range of competent AGILENT cells includes innovative strains for each cloning strategy.

List: vector kits for cloning, custom vector kits, helper phages, PCR cloning kits, packaging and removal kits, competent cells, competent cells for complex cloning, competent cells for mutagenesis, competent cells for routine cloning, restriction markers and enzymes, modifying enzymes, random mutagenesis kits, kits for site-directed mutagenesis.

New generation sequencing

Targeted sequencing provides a time- and cost-effective workflow by exploring specific areas of the genome. Capture-based hybrid target enrichment uses probes to capture target sequences in the NGS library. Hybrid capture sequencing is sensitive and suitable for detecting variants of individual nucleotides, translocations, structural variants, insertions and deletions, as well as copy number changes. AGILENT provides a complete set of NGS products for targeted enrichment based on hybridization, including kits for library preparation and targeted enrichment, exomes, catalogs and custom probes, software solutions, platforms for sample quality control and automation. Regardless of whether your research needs an NGS catalog panel or an individual design to include the genes you are interested in, AGILENT has solutions for you. AGILENT also offers other options for targeted enrichment technology based on amplicon to search for specific areas of interest.

List: universal cancer tests, DNA-Seq reagent kits and library preparation kits, exomic probes, NGS automation platforms, probes with targeted enrichment of the NGS catalog, customizable target enrichment probes of NGS, quality control of NGS, NGS software, RNA-Seq library preparation kits.

Research flow cytometry

Flow cytometry is a powerful technique used to quantify individual cells and other suspended particles at a rate of thousands of cells per second. Most commonly used in the context of immunology, we have also begun to see the adaptation of flow cytometry for environmental studies, extracellular vesicle analysis, and the ability to use more than 30 different parameters for a more comprehensive analysis. Flow cytometers AGILENT offer excellent capabilities, high-quality data, and an easy-to-use platform to save researchers time when collecting and analyzing data.

List: flow cytometry systems, consumables and accessories for devices, automation of flow cytometry, updates of the system for flow cytometry, flow cytometry software, reagents for flow cytometry, single-color antibodies, buffers and reagents.

FISH Probes

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a laboratory procedure in which fluorescently labeled DNA fragments (FISH probe) are hybridized with complementary DNA sequences in the cell nucleus. The obtained fluorescent signals are visualized using a microscope and indicate the presence and localization of one or more target DNA sequences. AGILENT offers three types of probes: split, double merge and copy number.


Microplate equipment

BioTek AGILENT devices are designed to facilitate your work processes, increase the efficiency of your laboratory and provide a wide range of applications in the field of natural sciences. Modularity and the possibility of modernization are the hallmarks of the availability of improved workflows for laboratories and applications of all types, and the BioTek microplate devices provide remarkable configurability and quality in accordance with your budget and applications now and in the future.

List: automated microscopes, multimode image readers, multimode microplate readers, absorption microplate readers, multiplate absorption readers, automatic dosing and transportation of liquids, microplate control and analysis software, manipulators and incubators for microplates, image scanners and peripheral devices for readers, washer, peripheral devices and consumables for dispensers, image-scanner and consumables for reading devices, microplates and laboratory equipment, reagents and tablets for quality control.


All AGILENT products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant AGILENT: general-purpose devices (multimeters, oscilloscopes, frequency meters, signal synthesizers, functional generators, power supplies, etc.); devices for chemical analysis; measuring stands; equipment for testing electronic components, wireless communication; devices for the development and debugging of digital devices; control and measuring equipment for telecommunications; radio measuring devices and ultra-high frequency equipment; devices for fiber-optic communication systems
  • Gas chromatography AGILENT
    Gas chromatography
    6850, 7820, 7890B, A490 Micro GC, etc.
  • Liquid chromatography AGILENT
    Liquid chromatography
    1220 Infinity LC, 1260 Infinity LC, etc.
  • Software and information complexes AGILENT
    Software and information complexes
    OpenLab, eMethod, ICP-MS, RTCA, etc.
  • Mass spectrometry AGILENT
    Mass spectrometry
    5977, 7010 QQQ, 6500 Q-TOF, etc.
  • Atomic spectroscopy AGILENT
    Atomic spectroscopy
    55B, 240/280 FS, 240Z/280Z, DUO, etc.
  • Molecular spectroscopy AGILENT
    Molecular spectroscopy
    Cary 660/670, Cary 610/620 FTIR, etc.
  • Capillary electrophoresis AGILENT
    Capillary electrophoresis
    7100 CE, CE/MS System, etc.
  • Speakers, spare parts and consumables AGILENT
    Speakers, spare parts and consumables
    240FS AA, DB-1ms, UV-Vis-NIR, etc.
  • Sample preparation AGILENT
    Sample preparation
    Captiva, VacElut, WellPlate, Elut, etc.
  • Research in biomedical sciences AGILENT
    Research in biomedical sciences
    XF, RTCA, miRNA, NGS, FISH, etc.
  • Clinical observation and diagnosis AGILENT
    Clinical observation and diagnosis
    Dako Omnis, pharmDx, H&E, CISH, etc.
  • Data processing systems, analysis and management AGILENT
    Data processing systems, analysis and management
    SLIMS, iLab, AGENT, eArray, etc.
  • Laboratory supplies AGILENT
    Laboratory supplies
    microplates, speakers, etc.
  • Solubility tests AGILENT
    Solubility tests
    vessels, blades, sinkers, software, etc.
  • Automation of laboratory research AGILENT
    Automation of laboratory research
    Bravo, BenchCel, PlateLoc, PO, etc.
  • Detection of vacuum and liquid leaks AGILENT
    Detection of vacuum and liquid leaks
    ion pumps, HLD, PHD, C15, etc.


AGILENT Technologies (USA) began its existence in 1999, when, during the reorganization, Hewlett-Packard Corporation was divided into two completely independent companies: HP and Agilent Technologies. Agilent Technologies was delegated the most technologically advanced and knowledge-intensive divisions of Hewlett-Packard. The field of activity of Agilent Technologies has become the development and production of control and measuring devices, equipment for chemical analysis, medical equipment, as well as electronic components. Agilent Technologies has preserved all the best traditions of Hewlett-Packard and brought advanced technologies to them, developing the directions from which the parent company began its activities.

    AGILENT is a leader in the biological sciences, diagnostics and applied chemistry markets. AGILENT Technologies provides laboratories worldwide with tools, services, supplies, applications and expertise.

    AGILENT devices are used in the chemical industry and energy, in environmental control and pharmaceutical analysis, in the food industry and agriculture, for the study of raw materials and materials, as well as in forensic medical examination.

    AGILENT technology not only meets the standards of the chemical, biomedical, pharmaceutical industry, but also creates them. For example, the 1290 Infinity chromatograph provides high performance and is the most sensitive in the industry.

Information Board AGILENT

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  • Product catalog manufacturer AGILENT (eng)
    Product catalog AGILENT (eng)
  • Product questionnaire in the store AGILENT
    Product questionnaire AGILENT


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